Tuesday, April 7, 2020


The Sugar Tree Cottage is proud to be sponsoring the Lakewood Theater's production of  Two on the Aisle Three in a Van  this season!  The play will run August 20th - 29th.

This is a play about the theater from a behind the scenes perspective, "a comedy where the point of view this time comes from the unsung heroes who call the shows, man the spotlights, sew the costumes, count the tickets and suffer through every flubbed line, forgotten prop and missed cue"

Tickets to all Lakewood Theater productions are available at the box office, by calling 474-7176  or online by clicking here  

Thursday, April 2, 2020

bee bottles

Bought some of these beautiful native bee bottles for all the camps on Olive Street.... such lush garden flowers and bounties of veggies to hope for! 

Just waiting for the bees to come. Welcome my little friends!