Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Olive Street blues

Taking a moment to share the beautiful blue hydrangeas at the neighbor's across from the Perkins House & beside the Hayden Brook camp. Naturally, not wanting to be outdone, our own nearby clusters of blueberries stepped up and started their transition to blue as well. Furthermore, this morning there were six Bluejays asking for seed around the feeder at 29 Olive. So it's the color of the day, and a good color to be indeed.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

treat yourself to some tea

A follow up thought to yesterday's post: if you are one of the folks dropping off someone for Lakewood Theater's Young Performers Camp, why not take a few moments afterward for a calming cup of tea at the Tower House Community Kitchen?  Or fix yourself a snack! The Community Kitchen pantry is stocked (thanks to our "bees") with the essentials and is there for YOU as a member of the Lakewood Theater family!

Need a little extra TLC? Give me a heads up and I'll have a pot of tea ready for you at the Sugar Tree cottage to enjoy beside the brook

Monday, July 26, 2021


One of the most wonderful sounds to hear, that of children laughing and singing, came drifting across the brook as I stepped out on the porch of the Sugar Tree cottage this mid-morning. The Lakewood Theater Young Performers Camp is in session!

Thursday, July 22, 2021

you are welcome here

Camp, cottage, cabin, house... it can get confusing what to call these spaces we have here on Olive Street, even when there's an architect's dictionary right in front of me.  So if while talking of them sometimes the nomenclature changes, it's just because I mean to say "come and sit down, have a cup of tea, here is shelter and comfort, you are welcome here"

Wednesday, July 21, 2021


This is one of the creative crossstitch art peices made by MJ Clifford, during her stay at the Sugar Tree Cottage this June. I have named him Chaunticleer, and he is now very proudly hanging and watching over the cottage's breakfast nook!
More of MJ's crossstichery creations can/will be found hanging in other cabins we have on Olive Street, and many are available for sale right in the Lakewood Theater lobby, or through her own Wee Willow facebook shop which includes her sweet magnets and greeting cards as well.