Saturday, June 20, 2020

the Perkins House

We are so proud to have added the Perkins House to our Olive Street spaces! This cheerfull white cottage sits right on the very end curve of Olive Street at number 15, and has a fantastically large yard that is going to be great for gardens, or mini outdoor concerts/performances, or both!!! Visitors won't help but notice the neighbor's beautiful flowers growing! 

Unlike the Tower House, which we hope will be a true community living and work space, the Perkins House will be for an artist in residence. Beginning next year, and for each year thereafter, we will be looking for an artist (and thier family) to apply to spend an entire summer season, and in exchange for housing we will ask that they share thier craft, whatever it might be, with the community by means of offering lessons, creating an installment, or perhaps giving performances. 

This house is another piece of Lakewood Theater history.  Charles F. Perkins was a very renowned and longtime (from 1912-1955) scenic designer at Lakewood.  His son, James, was an actor in several productions from 1932 - 1940. We purchased the house from James' daughter Barbara.

It will be decorated in the spirit of these eras and we hope to transport the residents of it back to a simpler'll find no microwave or WiFi service here!

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